Star Wars Football Kits By Nerea Palacios

Artist Nerea Palacios has released a large numbers of Star Wars Football Kits. The kits are redesigned football uniforms/outfits to look like our favorite characters from the hit Star Wars movies. We have attached a few picture down below of the kits. The kits down below are of C3PO, Chewbacca, and a stormtrooper’s uniform.

Nerea Palacios Star Wars Football Kits C3PO

Nerea Palacios Star Wars Football Kits Chewbacca

Nerea Palacios Star Wars Football Kits Stormtrooper

You can see more Star Wars football kits by following the link down below


You can see more of Nerea’s work by following the link down below


Let us know what you think about Nerea’s Star Wars football kits in the comments down below!!