Mark Millar On Fantastic Four Reboot

Comic Book Legend Mark Millar recently sat down with Sky Movies to defend Director Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot. Many fans of the comics believe that the movie will be an utter failure like 20th Century Fox’s movies a few years back while others believe Trank’s will be a success due to the different direction he plans to take the characters. Enjoy the video!!

Let us know what you think about the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot in the comments down below!!

Jurassic Park & Parks and Recreation Mashup Video

Here is a video by the YouTubers at Thanks Mom Productions that mashes up Chris Pratt’s Andy from NBC’s Parks and Recreation and Chris Pratt’s Owen from the upcoming Jurassic World movie. The name of the video is called “Jurassic Parks and Recreation” and it’s absolutely hilarious! Enjoy the video!

What do you think about the Jurassic Parks and Recreation mashup video? Let us know in the comments down below!!