Ken Nolan Developing The Activity Comic Film!!

According to Latino-Review, Writer Ken Nolan, Black Hawk Down, has been confirmed to be developing an adaption for Image Comics’ The Activity for the silver screen. The Activity, created by Nathan Edmondson, follows a secretive spec-ops team working for the United States that heads out to fix botched missions using high-tech weaponry and lethal force.

The Activity comic cover 1Let us know what you think about Ken Nolan developing a movie adaption for The Activity in the comments down below!!

SOURCE:  Latino-Review

ThinkGeek’s Indiana Jones Temple Of Doom Sixth Scale Figure

ThinkGeek has released this fun, new, collectible action figure for Indiana Jones lovers to throw their money at. Introducing the Indiana Jones Temple of Doom sixth scale figure!! This fedora wearing action figure, inspired by Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom, stands at a foot tall with a support base, 11 interchangeable hands, a toy pistol, coiled whip for his belt as well as an uncoiled flexible whip, satchel, machete, and 3 glowing Sankara stones that glow in the dark. The action figure is currently available on for $229.99.



htvm_temple_of_doom_6th_scale_fig_partsHere’s an official description of the problem from ThinkGeek:

Indiana Jones went to the ends of the earth collecting the world’s most rare and amazing treasures from the Arc of the Covenant to the Holy Grail to the Crystal Skull. Now you can sit back in your chair and with a few mouse clicks collect a mini version of Indy himself, without breaking a sweat or (more importantly) encountering any snakes.

This 1:6 scale Indiana Jones figure from Sideshow Collectibles is ready to tackle the terrors surrounding the mysterious Temple of Doom. You get multiple fedora and hair options, as well as 11 different hands, plus two whips – one coiled and one unfurled and flexible for all your Instagram “check out this awesome figure I just got” needs.

Let us know what you think about ThinkGeek’s Indiana Jones collectible action figure in the comments down below!!

Mark Millar On Starlight Comic Book Movie

IGN recently interviewed comic book legend Mark Millar, Civil War, Kick-Ass, to discuss Kingsman: The Secret Service, when they also decided to pick his brain on one of his comics soon to hit the silver screen, Starlight. IGN through out some suggestions and ideas on who could play the character’s lead role, Duke McQueen. IGN’s list of suggested actors varied from Liam Neeson to Kirk Douglas, which Millar commented on in his point of view.

starlightMillar also went on to talk about his inspiration for the story saying:

“When I was a kid my Dad used to have this old 35mm projector and we had a lot of the Republic serials – things like Flash Gordon and Commando Cody. I grew up with a real love of that – I must have been the only kid on my housing estate in Scotland that was really into this stuff. BBC2 were showing a lot of that stuff at the time too. So I grew up really loving 1930s and 1940s serials.

“I wanted to do a comic book that was an homage to that stuff. So what I did was I took the archetypes of the space hero – a John Carter, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon-style space hero – and aged him up. This guy had been doing these amazing things when he was in his 20s; he had these amazing adventures, like Buster Crabbe. But when he came back to earth there was no evidence that he’d done anything. The idea was that he comes back and has to live a normal life. He’s like ‘I saved that alien world!’ and people are like ‘Very good.’ There were no selfies then so you couldn’t really prove it!

“So he just comes home, becomes a mechanic, gets married and has kids. And then he doesn’t tell people about it anymore because he’s kind of embarrassed because nobody believes him. Then his wife dies and his kids move out of the house… and he’s a 63-year-old guy. Then one of those old sparkly rocket ships lands in the garden again and says ‘You saved us 40 years ago, will you come back and save us again because there’s a new problem?’ And he has to squeeze himself into his old spacesuit and has to go back for one last adventure. It’s kind of Unforgiven meets Flash Gordon.”

The screenplay isn’t even written at this stage, but we nevertheless took the opportunity to lob some names at Mark for Duke McQueen, kicking off with the actor that apparently inspired the look of the character…”

Let us know what you think about Millar’s Starlight comic coming to film in the comments down below!!


Joss Whedon On Marvel’s Captain Marvel Movie

According to GeekTyrant, Director Joss Whedon, Avengers, and was asked about Marvel’s upcoming Captain Marvel movie in a recent interview. He was also asked whether or not Whedon would take up the project if given the opportunity. Whedon responded saying:

“Um, I would never rule anything out, because I like working here. By the same token, the biggest thing for me is that I need to do something that I create myself. It’s been way too long since I created a universe… Captain Marvel I don’t know as well. There have been a few [versions] of her. I have the first issue of Ms. Marvel, back when she was that, and had the Farrah hair. My only issue with her is that she always felt sort of on top. She was very driven. A winner. I always like to dig into the soil of things to find my heroes, if I can.”

thor-ragnarok-black-panther-the-best-marvel-phase-3-moviesLet us know what you think about Joss Whedon and Marvel’s Captain Marvel in the comments down below!!

SOURCE:  GeekTyrant

Rose Byrne’s Moira Mac Taggert To Return In X-Men: Apocalypse

According to IGN, Actress Rose Byrne, X-Men: First Class, Bridesmaids, will return to the X-Men movie franchise as Moira MacTaggert in the upcoming superhero film, X-Men: Apocalypse. Producer/Screenwriter Simon Kinberg spoke about Byrne’s character in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly stating that she was a “significant character in the movie”.

“We ended First Class with Charles [Xavier] having wiped portions of her memory of her experience with the X-Men. They are, essentially, strangers to her when she meets them.” said Kinberg.

Rose Byrne


Kinberg spoke about wanting to dig deeper into Xavier and MacTaggert’s relationship which would apparently close the arcs of the young Xaviers, Magneto, Mystique, and Beast in the reboot series.

Let us know what you think about Rose Byrne returning to the X-Men franchise in the comments down below!!


The Big Lebowski & The Walking Dead Vector Posters

Behance Artist Nicholas Reyes has created these awesome looking vector posters inspired by The Big Lebowski and AMC’s The Walking Dead. Where can we find these to hang on our walls?!!!

Nicholas Reyes - The Big Lebowski - Vector poster - behance

Nicholas Reyes - The Walking Dead Rick - Vector Poster - Behance

Nicholas Reyes - The Walking Dead Micchone - Behance - Vector Poster




Let us know what you think about Nicholas’s Vector posters in the comments down below!!

Steve Jobs Film’s Cast & More

According to Latino-Review, the official cast for the upcoming Steve Jobs movie has been released and filming has already begun. Actor Michael Fassbender, Prometheus, will being playing the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Actress Kate Winslet, Titanic, will play former marketing chief of Macintosh Joanna Hoffman, and Actor Seth Rogen, Pineapple Express, will play Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and The Newsroom‘s Jeff Daniels will be playing former Apple CEO Jeff Sculley.

steve jobs appleDirector Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire, is set to direct the film, which will be shooting in San Fransisco, where Jobs & Wozniak grew up. The movie isn’t going to be a biopic in a sense but mainly focus on three important parts of Steve’s life: The MAC, the NeXT, and the iMac.

Let us know what you think about the cast and news on the upcoming Steve Jobs film in the comments down below!!

SOURCE: Latino-Review

ThinkGeek’s Aliens Xenomorph Queen Deluxe Action Figure

ThinkGeek has released this stunningly amazing looking Aliens Xenomorph Queen action figure!! This massive, officially-licensed Aliens action figure stands at 15″ tall and 40″ long, a posable tale, and it also includes a display stand and two different interchangeable inner mouths. The action figure is currently selling on for $119.99.

2067_aliens_xenomorph_queen_deluxe_action_fig_mouth_openHere’s an official description of the product from ThinkGeek:

In space, no one can hear you scream. Again. Part II. This time it’s personal. Seriously, though, we can fully understand the Xenomorph Queen’s anguish. Here she is just trying to provide for her large family of carnivores when Paul Buchman and Jerry Lambert bring all sorts of corporate and military nastiness to her front door. What’s a girl to do? Well, we know what to do. In honor of the 35th Anniversary of the Alien franchise, the most massive and most ambitious Aliens figure ever has been created: the Aliens – Xenomorph Queen Ultra Deluxe Boxed Action Figure!

The terrifying Aliens – Xenomorph Queen Ultra Deluxe Boxed Action Figure is based on her appearance in the 1986 film: Aliens. She stands over 15″ tall and is over 30″ long, with over 30 points of articulation, including a spectacular poseable tail. Bring some of the movie’s most thrilling scenes to life in realistic detail with the Aliens – Xenomorph Queen Ultra Deluxe Boxed Action Figure. And because just one inner mouth isn’t enough for royalty, the Xenomorph Queen comes with two!

2067_aliens_xenomorph_queen_deluxe_action_fig_frontLet us know what you think about ThinkGeek’s Aliens Xenomorph Queen action figure in the comments down below!!

How To Be A Ghostbuster Infographic!!

Behance user Claudio Conticelli has uploaded this entertainingly interesting infographic, inspired by the classic 1980s movie Ghostbusters, that shows people how to start hunting down ghosts!! The infographic’s title is “How To Start A Paranormal Investigations Service” and is definitely one of the best infographics we’ve featured on our site. Enjoy!!

Ghostubesters Infographic - Claudio Conticelli - Behance


Let us know what you think about Claudio’s Ghostbusters infographic in the comments down below!!

Mark Millar On Kick-Ass & Hit-Girl Movies

In a recent interview with IGN, comic book creator Mark Millar said that he’s pretty much done with Kick-Ass on both screen and page saying. Millar said that there probably wouldn’t be a 3rd installment in the Kick-Ass film series due to Kick-Ass 2 not making as much money as the first. Millar spoke about the Kick-Ass series saying:

“Dave Lizewski’s journey had to have an ending because the way I looked at it is if you don’t have Batman’s money or Superman’s powers, you’re going to end up dead pretty fast” he explained. “So the idea of Kick-Ass #520 is ridiculous because he’s going to have been killed in issue 45 or something. So I had to give it a conclusion. For people who haven’t read the book I don’t want to spoil it, but Kick-Ass 3 is the end of Dave’s story.

Kick-Ass & Hit-GirlWhen asked about the young, adorable, vigilante superhero Hit-Girl, Mark commented saying:

“Now Mindy is another thing – there could be more stuff going on with Mindy. There could be other people who are going to be Kick-Ass as well – that’s hinted at at the end of Kick-Ass 3. But for Dave it’s all over, that’s it. And for me it’s all over as well probably.”

Millar also spoke about a spin-off movie that was discussed even before Kick-Ass 2:

“Before Kick-Ass 2 came out we’d been talking about a Hit-Girl spin-off movie” he explained. “We’d even talked to a director – we had a couple of calls with Gareth Evans, who I absolutely love. He’s an amazing director. But Gareth’s now busy. Matthew [Vaughn] still floats it occasionally. I’m very philosophical about it – I’ve done my books and I’m really happy with the work and happy with the films. If anything else happens – gravy.”

Let us know what you think about Mark Millar and the Kick-Ass series in the comments down below!!

Source: IGN